Hello, Fediverse!
I resurrected a blog that will basically track my media and publications because it is becoming a little tedious to faff about with editing raw HTML on my web page and have it degrade nicely when things get older. I'd like a record that will extend past readability on a single page, thanks!
Anyway, I thought it would be interesting to get into this whole Fediverse malarkey, so this blog also publishes to it; you can follow me @cflick@blog.liedra.net from your favourite Fediverse client (I use Mastodon, where you can follow me @CatherineFlick@mastodon.me.uk).
This isn't going to be particularly swish or anything, but I thought it might be a nice way to mess about with ActivityPub (and boy was getting this installed a palaver). I'll upload a few of my more recent papers here and put in a record of my media appearances until now as well.
Follow this blog on the Fediverse: @cflick@blog.liedra.net Want to comment? Copy me in: @CatherineFlick@mastodon.me.uk